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Category:GO:0005096 ! GTPase activator activity

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DAG for GO:0005096id: GO:0005096

name: GTPase activator activity
namespace: molecular_function
alt_id: GO:0005097
alt_id: GO:0005098
alt_id: GO:0005099
alt_id: GO:0005100
alt_id: GO:0005101
alt_id: GO:0008060
alt_id: GO:0017123
alt_id: GO:0030675
alt_id: GO:0046582
def: "Binds to and increases the activity of a GTPase, an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of GTP." [GOC:mah]
comment: Note that the name Sar derives from 'secretion-associated, Ras-related'.
synonym: "ARF GAP activity" NARROW [GOC:pg]
synonym: "ARF GTPase activator activity" NARROW []
synonym: "GAP activity" EXACT []
synonym: "Rab GAP activity" NARROW [GOC:pg]
synonym: "Rab GTPase activator activity" NARROW []
synonym: "Rac GAP activity" NARROW [GOC:pg]
synonym: "Rac GTPase activator activity" NARROW []
synonym: "Ral GAP activity" NARROW [GOC:pg]
synonym: "Ral GTPase activator activity" NARROW []
synonym: "Ran GAP activity" NARROW [GOC:pg]
synonym: "Ran GTPase activator activity" NARROW []
synonym: "RanGAP" NARROW []
synonym: "Rap GAP activity" NARROW [GOC:pg]
synonym: "Rap GTPase activator activity" NARROW []
synonym: "Ras GAP activity" NARROW [GOC:pg]
synonym: "Ras GTPase activator activity" NARROW []
synonym: "Rho GAP activity" NARROW [GOC:pg]
synonym: "Rho GTPase activator activity" NARROW []
synonym: "Sar GAP activity" NARROW [GOC:pg]
synonym: "Sar GTPase activator activity" NARROW []
is_a: GO:0008047 ! enzyme activator activity
is_a: GO:0030695 ! GTPase regulator activity
relationship: positively_regulates: GO:0003924 ! GTPase activity

AmiGO <GOterm>GO:0005096</GOterm>
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