GONUTS has been updated to MW1.31 Most things seem to be working but be sure to report problems.
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Papers in PubMed
Just add:
- <ref name=PMID:xxxxxxx/>
Where xxxxxxx is the PMID number. Use the links under the entry box to save on typing.
Papers not in PubMed, Book Chapters, Books, etc
If the reference doesn't have a PMID, you can enclose it in <ref></ref> tags. If you also give your reference a name, so multiple occurrences will use the same line in the References section.
- <ref name=name>reference info</ref>
For frequently used references, we keep a list of shortcuts at GONUTS Reference Library. These are tagged with LIB:, like this:
- <ref name=LIB:shortcut/>
Adding a References section
To see the formatted references as a list, insert
in the page where you want the list to appear. Note that the reference list will only show references that are cited above it. More than one <references/> section can be used.