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Category:GO:0009372 ! quorum sensing

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DAG for GO:0009372id: GO:0009372

name: quorum sensing
namespace: biological_process
alt_id: GO:0010699
alt_id: GO:0060247
def: "The cell-cell signaling process in which single-celled organisms carry out coordinated responses by monitoring their own population density, and often also that of other microbes, by producing small, diffusible, signal molecules, detecting the concentration of these molecules, and triggering a signal transduction pathway when a certain threshold is reached. Quorum sensing can occur amongst microbial communities in the environment or within host organisms." [GOC:krc, GOC:mlg, PMID:10607620, PMID:15716452, PMID:16497924, PMID:16630813, PMID:8288518]
subset: goslim_metagenomics
subset: goslim_pir
synonym: "cell-cell signaling involved in quorum sensing" RELATED []
synonym: "detection of cell density by secreted molecule" RELATED []
synonym: "quorum sensing system" EXACT []
xref: Wikipedia:Quorum_sensing
is_a: GO:0007267 ! cell-cell signaling
is_a: GO:0060245 ! detection of cell density

AmiGO <GOterm>GO:0009372</GOterm>
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