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Category:Team Red A

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StatusPageUserDate/TimeGO Term (Aspect)ReferenceEvidenceNotesLinks
unacceptablePSEAE:PPXShireen2, Team Red A2016-04-11 09:37:56 CDTGO:0004309 exopolyphosphatase activity (F)PMID:24275100ECO:0000315 mutant phenotype evidence used in manual assertion

there is an evidence that Exopolyphosphat of Pseudomonas aeruginosa is essential for flagellum dependent swimming and swarming motility. the author evaluated a WT,DppX and DppxC strain on LB medium plate and incubated at 37uC for 24h. the swimming motility of Dppx was 55-75%less than WT. the Dppx strain also decrease the swarming motility: 65-80% with respect to WT.

unacceptable9CAUD:J9PUX9Chensi1, Team Red A2016-04-11 05:01:41 CDTGO:0098015 virus tail (C)PMID:23649177ECO:0000250 sequence similarity evidence used in manual assertion

In paper table 2 shows BCB4_0238 is putative tail protein.Blast shows BCB4_0238 of Bacillus phage B4 is homolog with orf203 of Bc431v3. E-value is 0.0, query cover is 99%. orf203 of is tail protein.

unacceptable9CAUD:A0A0K2CZR9Chensi1, Team Red A2016-04-11 04:59:50 CDTGO:0098015 virus tail (C)Blast:BlastECO:0000250 sequence similarity evidence used in manual assertion

Blast shows TSARBOMBA_107 is homolog with BCB4_0238(UniProt accession:J9PUX9).E-value is 0.0, query cover 100%. BCB4_0238 code a tail protein.

unacceptable9CAUD:M4HPF1Chensi1, Team Red A2016-04-11 04:54:08 CDTGO:0098015 virus tail (C)PMID:23388049ECO:0000314 direct assay evidence used in manual assertion

In the paper researchers used proteomic analysis determined that orf203 of Bc431v3 is tail protein.

unacceptable9CAUD:A0A0K2D047Chensi1, Team Red A2016-04-11 04:34:04 CDTGO:0098025 virus tail, baseplate (C)other:BlastECO:0000250 sequence similarity evidence used in manual assertion

BLASTP shows that protein coded by TSARBOMBA_104 is a homolog of "Putative baseplate protein" G0XM98 (coded by orf101)with E-value 9e-58.

unacceptable9CAUD:G0XM98Chensi1, Team Red A2016-04-11 04:17:09 CDTGO:0098025 virus tail, baseplate (C)PMID:21481199ECO:0000247 sequence alignment evidence used in manual assertion

Figure 3 shows gp103 is products putative baseplate in Listeria Bacteriophage A511 and comparison of the structural proteins with Sb-1 shows Sb-1 has similar DNA band.

unacceptableBPA51:A8AST7Chensi1, Team Red A2016-04-11 02:22:33 CDTGO:0098025 virus tail, baseplate (C)PMID:18567664ECO:0000250 sequence similarity evidence used in manual assertion

Researchers sequenced A511 gene. Base on Blast analyses and amino acid sequence similarities, they assigned gp103 is baseplate protein, which shows in Table S1 in the supplemental material.

unacceptable9CAUD:A0A0K2D0H6Di46616, Team Red A2016-04-11 01:24:42 CDTGO:0016987 sigma factor activity (F)PMID:8320211ECO:0000317 genomic context evidence used in manual assertion

HHpred consistently showed the first section of the gene being homologous to a B.subtilis sigma factor followed by a translocase. For its similarity to sigma B factor, it had a probability of 99.97 and a E-value of 1.3e-28. In addition, numerous blast results showed many B. subtitles sigma factors with reasonable similarity to the first portion of the gene. The best blast result for sigma factor B had a query cover of 43% and a E-value of 5e-27. This strongly suggests that this gene is homologous to sigma factor B as well as sigma factors from B. subtilis in general, suggesting that it likely functions as one.

unacceptableBACIU:A0A0D5D509Di46616, Team Red A2016-04-10 11:48:33 CDTGO:0009294 DNA mediated transformation (The authors purified DprA, RecA, SsbA, and SsbB. They then measured the ssDNA-dependent dATP hydrolysis activity of RecA after the ssDNA was coated with nothing, DprA, SsbA and SsbB, or SsbA and SsbB followed by DprA. It was found that DprA facilitated RecA nucleation onto SSB coated ssDNA and DNA strand annealing. Experimentation with RecA in the presence of DprA also showed that DprA assisted in DNA strand exchange. In addition, it was found that DprA was important in plasmid transformation as plasmid transformation was impaired in ΔdprA ΔrecA mutant cells.)PMID:25138221IDA: Inferred from Direct Assay
unacceptableBACSU:RPSBDi46616, Team Red A2016-04-10 07:15:37 CDTGO:0016987 sigma factor activity (F)PMID:8320211ECO:0000315 mutant phenotype evidence used in manual assertion

The authors performed transformations on B. subtilis in order to inactivate the sigma B factor by introducing a null sigma B factor mutation. These bacteria had a socB1 frameshift mutation which inhibited a negative regulator of Sigma B factor, thus increasing the amount of sigma B factor produced in cells without the null mutation of sigma B factor, increasing the experiments sensitivity. They then monitored the gene expression of the bacteria by measuring the amount of b-galactosidase activity produced within them due to a lacz fusion with random genes on the B.subtilis genome. By locating the the fusion and measuring their activity, they found which genes were dependent to an extent on sigma B factor for activation by finding those with altered B-galactosidase activity.

unacceptableBACSU:RPSBDi46616, Team Red A2016-04-10 06:49:08 CDTGO:0080134 regulation of response to stress (P)PMID:10383961ECO:0000315 mutant phenotype evidence used in manual assertion

The authors used a null mutation of the sigma b factor to determine whether it would effect the survival of the bacteria under various conditions. A large drop in survival was found in bacteria with the null mutation under heat, ethanol, shock, salt, and acid stress.

updatedbyinstructorCAMJJ:A0A0H3PES2Shireen2, Team Red A2016-04-06 11:05:18 CDTGO:0071978 bacterial-type flagellum-dependent swarming motility (P)PMID:24569519ECO:0000315 mutant phenotype evidence used in manual assertion

Figure 4. Motility and biofilm formation of C. jejuni ∆ppx mutants. (A) Motility was assessed on 0.4% soft agar at 42 °C for 24 h. (B) Motility was quantified by measuring the swarming zone (diameter in cm) surrounding the stabbed area. Each bar represents the average from 3 independent experiments with duplicate samples. *P ≤ 0.05 **P ≤ 0.001.

acceptableBACCE:A0A0K6LY49Shireen2, Team Red A2016-04-06 05:53:28 CDTGO:0071977 bacterial-type flagellum-dependent swimming motility (P)PMID:15572452ECO:0000315 mutant phenotype evidence used in manual assertion

"plate were inoculated with bacteria from an overnight LB culture on agar plates and incubated at 30C for 8-10h for swimming assays and 12-16h for swarming assay

'. The result indicate that the mutants ppx in B. Cereus impaired with the flagella motility

unacceptable9CAUD:A0A0K2D0I8Shireen2, Team Red A2016-04-04 09:02:30 CDTGO:0004309 exopolyphosphatase activity (F)PMID:24275100ECO:0000315 mutant phenotype evidence used in manual assertion

there is an evidence that Exopolyphosphat of Pseudomonas aeruginosa is essential for flagellum dependent swimming and swarming motility. the author evaluated a WT,DppX and DppxC strain on LB medium plate and incubated at 37uC for 24h. the swimming motility of Dppx was 55-75%less than WT. the Dppx strain also decrease the swarming motility: 65-80% with respect to WT.

unacceptable9CAUD:A0A0K2D0I8Shireen2, Team Red A2016-04-04 08:54:38 CDTGO:0004309 exopolyphosphatase activity (F)PMID:24569519ECO:0000317 genomic context evidence used in manual assertion

the phylogenetic analysis using MEGA-5 showed that C. jejuni PPX2 clustered with E.coli and mycobacterium tuberculosis species. (fig.S1) also HHpred show that gene TSARBOMBA_148 homologues to Mycobacterium tuberculosis with e-value= 8.8e-28 and probable 99.96.

unacceptable9CAUD:A0A0K2D0I8Shireen2, Team Red A2016-04-04 08:47:41 CDTGO:0004309 exopolyphosphatase activity (F)PMID:24569519ECO:0000315 mutant phenotype evidence used in manual assertion

to test the motility and biofilm formation of C.jejuni delta ppx mutants, the author assessed the motility on 0.4% soft agar at 42C for 24h. motility was quantified by measuring the swarming zone around the stabbed area. the result indicate that deleting the gene ppx in C.jejuni affect the amount of biofilm, therefore its affect the motility. also, ppx/gppa genes play a role in transmission related phenotypes such as motility and biofilm formation in C.jejuni.

unacceptableECOLI:RPOEDi46616, Team Red A2016-04-04 06:58:10 CDTGO:0016987 sigma factor activity (F)PMID:11274153ECO:0000315 mutant phenotype evidence used in manual assertion

The authors created a plasmid construct with a promoterless Lacz and a random segment of E.coli Genomic DNA and transformed E.coli with it. RNA polymerase Sigma E factor fuctions under heat shock conditions. The colonies were placed under heat shock conditions. Those expressing Lacz were selected. These then went through a further selection process in order to determine the genes the sigma factor regualtes and the promoters it target. They also used mutants of RseA, which antagonized the sigma factor, to determine if RseA also regulates those genes effected by the sigma factor, as well as finding more promoters acted on by the sigma factor.

unacceptable9CAUD:A0A0K2CZS7Di46616, Team Red A2016-03-28 10:31:25 CDTGO:0016987 sigma factor activity (F)PMID:11274153ECO:0000315 mutant phenotype evidence used in manual assertion

The authors created a plasmid construct with a promoterless Lacz and a random segment of E.coli Genomic DNA and transformed E.coli with it. RNA polymerase Sigma E factor fuctions under heat shock conditions. The colonies were placed under heat shock conditions. Those expressing Lacz were selected. These then went through a further selection process in order to determine the genes the sigma factor regualtes and the promoters it target. They also used mutants of RseA, which antagonized the sigma factor, to determine if RseA also regulates those genes effected by the sigma factor, as well as finding more promoters acted on by the sigma factor.


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