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Category:GO:0051764 ! actin crosslink formation

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DAG for GO:0051764id: GO:0051764

name: actin crosslink formation
namespace: biological_process
def: "The process in which two or more actin filaments are connected together by proteins that act as crosslinks between the filaments. The crosslinked filaments may be on the same or differing axes." [GOC:ai]
comment: See also the molecular function term 'protein binding, bridging ; GO:0030674'.
synonym: "actin bundling" RELATED []
synonym: "actin crosslinking" EXACT []
synonym: "bridging actin filaments" NARROW []
synonym: "formation of actin crosslink" EXACT []
is_a: GO:0007015 ! actin filament organization

AmiGO <GOterm>GO:0051764</GOterm>
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