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Category:Team Recombineers

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StatusPageUserDate/TimeGO Term (Aspect)ReferenceEvidenceNotesLinks
updatedbyinstructorHUMAN:PSIP1IAMutaen2, Team Recombineers2017-04-23 14:52:05 CDTGO:0000790 nuclear chromatin (C)PMID:26721387ECO:0000314 direct assay evidence used in manual assertion

In (Figure 1A) LEDGF/p75 displayed punctate and strictly nuclear localization in interphasic U2OS (Figure 1B) and HeLa cells and LEDGF/p75 remained tightly bound to the chromatin during mitosis

PSIP1_HUMAN/Lens epithelium-derived growth factor

updatedbyinstructorCRIGR:RAD51IAMutaen2, Team Recombineers2017-04-23 14:13:53 CDTGO:0000724 double-strand break repair via homologous recombination (P)PMID:9611228ECO:0000314 direct assay evidence used in manual assertion

Fig 4 & Table 1. Hamster RAD51

updatedbyinstructorYEAST:MRE11WAlmajed, Team Recombineers2017-04-23 14:03:25 CDTGO:0030870 Mre11 complex (C)PMID:27746018ECO:0000314 direct assay evidence used in manual assertion

Fig 4C: C) Recombinant Mre11-Rad50 (MR) and Mre11-Rad50-Xrs2 (MRX) used in this study. Saccharomyces cerevisiae MRE11.

unacceptableMOUSE:STILWAlmajed, Team Recombineers2017-04-23 12:53:37 CDTGO:0006303 double-strand break repair via nonhomologous end joining (P)28423708:28423708ECO:0000314 direct assay evidence used in manual assertion

Description: Figure 6A and B. AD51-dependent HRR had changed much in the presence of STIL (by increasing). NHEJ hadn’t changed much in the presence of STIL.

unacceptableHUMAN:STILWAlmajed, Team Recombineers2017-04-23 12:51:40 CDTGO:0006303 double-strand break repair via nonhomologous end joining (P)PMID:28423708ECO:0000314 direct assay evidence used in manual assertion

Description: Figure 6A and B. AD51-dependent HRR had changed much in the presence of STIL (by increasing). NHEJ hadn’t changed much in the presence of STIL.

unacceptableYEAST:XRS2WAlmajed, Team Recombineers2017-04-07 18:54:57 CDTGO:0006303 double-strand break repair via nonhomologous end joining (P)PMID:22746018ECO:0000315 mutant phenotype evidence used in manual assertion

in the absence Xrs2, it won't result NHEJ (figure 2E)


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