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Category:Team Francis Crick

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StatusPageUserDate/TimeGO Term (Aspect)ReferenceEvidenceNotesLinks
ECOLI:FTSZKr004966, Team Francis Crick2015-02-03 18:12:45 CSTGO:0000910 cytokinesis (P)PMID:8917533ECO:0000315 mutant phenotype evidence used in manual assertion

Figure 2b and C FtsZ labeled with GDP for flourences, shows formation of ring during intermediate and late stages of division, indication of involvement in cytokinesis.

requireschangesECOLI:FTSZKr004966, Team Francis Crick2012-04-09 15:57:38 CDTGO:0000910 cytokinesis (P)PMID:8917533ECO:0000315 mutant phenotype evidence used in manual assertion

Figure 2b and C FtsZ labeled with GDP for flourences, shows formation of ring during intermediate and late stages of division.

requireschangesECOLX:E0WA88Kr004966, Team Francis Crick2012-03-30 12:34:21 CDTGO:0009279 cell outer membrane (C)PMID:1370823ECO:0000315 mutant phenotype evidence used in manual assertion

Furthermore, the experiment using the OmpA-deficient mutant

HN742 (Fig. 6) showed conclusively that the channel formation was caused by OmpA, denaturation of OmpA essentially abolished the solute diffusion process and that nonporin proteins such as bovine serum albumin could not facilitate the solute diffusion across the membrane.

requireschangesECOLX:SULAKr004966, Team Francis Crick2012-03-29 11:51:35 CDTGO:0032466 negative regulation of cytokinesis (P)PMID:22432817ECO:0000315 mutant phenotype evidence used in manual assertion

SulA inhibits the assembly of FtsZ, preventing the cells from performing cytokenesis. Figure 8E showing the increase in SulA,causes a decrease in FtsZ formation. Figure 6 EM images of PaFtsZ and the inhibition of assemble by SulA. Figure 1 (a,b) EM images of ECFtsZ without SulA and with the indicated addition of SulA

acceptableBACSU:SEPFKr004966, Team Francis Crick2012-03-29 11:32:42 CDTGO:0090529 cell septum assembly (P)PMID:16420366ECO:0000315 mutant phenotype evidence used in manual assertion

Deletion leads to impaired septa formation Fig 2, as well as slowed growth.

acceptableBACSU:FTSAKr004966, Team Francis Crick2012-03-27 11:59:55 CDTGO:0016887 ATPase activity (F)PMID:11298280ECO:0000314 direct assay evidence used in manual assertion

Shown that B. subtilis FtsA is capable of binding and hydrolysing ATP (Fig. 7), To test whether FtsA has ATPase activity, a measurement of the hydrolysis of ATP by monitoring the release of 32Pi from [γ-32P]-ATP. The activity was readily detected, and analysis of the reaction revealed Michaelis–Menten kinetics (Fig. 7B) with a Km of 0.7 mM and a Vmax of 0.125 mol of ATP hydrolysed per second per mol of FtsA dimer.

updatedbyinstructorECOLI:BSSSRe831826, Team Francis Crick2012-03-26 20:51:52 CDTGO:0090609 single-species submerged biofilm formation (P)PMID:16597943ECO:0000315 mutant phenotype evidence used in manual assertion

Culturing of yceP mutants and wild-type strain in LB did not lead to a variation in observed biofilm formation while twofold (P = 0.052) and threefold (P = 0.001) increases in biofilm occurred in LB glu upon deletion of yceP (Figure 1A). Lastly when biofilm formation was observed in a continuous flow system in M9C glu medium, the yceP deletion caused the cells to form a more random, scattered, and globular biofilm with far less surface coverage (Figure 2B).

unacceptableECOLX:E2QMH3Re831826, Team Francis Crick2012-03-26 20:06:23 CDTGO:0006607 NLS-bearing substrate import into nucleus (A series of N- and C- terminal deletion mutants of Tus were constructed which were fused to GFP to determine the subcellular distribution of green fluorescence in the transduced cells. Figure 2A shows that the fusion of amino acids 218 to 309 of Tus to the C-terminus of GFP restored nuclear targeting, defining the NLS sequence of Tus. Further depicted in Figure 3A, alteration of any one of the basic amino acids 218-309 resulted in pronounced perturbation of nuclear targeting of the fusion proteins. )PMID:20126275IMP: Inferred from Mutant Phenotype
updatedbyinstructorSTREE:STKPRe831826, Team Francis Crick2012-03-26 19:09:01 CDTGO:0051302 regulation of cell division (P)PMID:22431591ECO:0000315 mutant phenotype evidence used in manual assertion

Figure 6 and figure 7 display unbalanced cell growth and division in the absence of StkP. Wild-type cells were able to develop one cell-division ring in the center while cells with mutated strains became over-elongated and formed multiple rings, leading to division into more than two daughter cells.

updatedbyinstructorSTAA8:SASGRe831826, Team Francis Crick2012-03-26 19:08:28 CDTGO:0090609 single-species submerged biofilm formation (P)PMID:17660408ECO:0000314 direct assay evidence used in manual assertion

Figure 8 shows that SasG-expressing SH1000 cells form a biofilm measured with crystal violet staining and read at A570. SH1000 variants carrying pALC2073 expressing SasG with eight, six and five B repeats resulted in the formation of a biofilm. Strains expressing four, two or one B repeats did not form biofilms (Fig. 8c)

unacceptable?Re831826, Team Francis Crick2012-03-26 19:08:27 CDTGO:0007155 cell adhesion (Figure 7 shows that bacteria strains induced with the sasG gene adhered to desquamated nasal epithelial cells about three times as strongly than bacteria strains lacking the gene. SasG therefore promotes cell adhesion.)PMID:17660408IDA: Inferred from Direct Assay
requireschangesMOUSE:PAR6BRe831826, Team Francis Crick2012-03-26 19:01:02 CDTGO:0001831 trophectodermal cellular morphogenesis (P)PMID:20505164ECO:0000314 direct assay evidence used in manual assertion

Figure 1 displays how Pard6b knockdown suppresses formation of the blastocyte cavity, although it does not affect early blastomere cleavages in embryo (Table 1).


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