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Category:MichSt14A 15

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StatusPageUserDate/TimeGO Term (Aspect)ReferenceEvidenceNotesLinks
unacceptableMOUSE:B7ZWM4Masonale, MichSt14A 152014-04-06 08:04:02 CDTGO:0002544 chronic inflammatory response (P)PMID:23860501ECO:0000314 direct assay evidence used in manual assertion

Figure 1(E) uses immunostaining of DUOX proteins in DOUX K/O mice and W/T mice. DUOX levels are much higher in W/T mice, particularly toward the apical surface of the epithelium, than it is in K/O mice. This shows that over-expression of DUOX is part of the immune/inflammatory response to Helicobacter felis in mice.

unacceptableMOUSE:EGR1Masonale, MichSt14A 152014-04-05 11:13:54 CDTGO:0035176 social behavior (P)PMID:20921194ECO:0000315 mutant phenotype evidence used in manual assertion

Figure 3 (I and J) shows significantly increased Egr-1 levels when an adult mouse is exposed to a juvenile mouse as opposed to a non-species specific control.

unacceptableMOUSE:TLR2Masonale, MichSt14A 152014-04-04 18:19:55 CDTGO:0002218 activation of innate immune response (P)PMID:15501775ECO:0000314 direct assay evidence used in manual assertion

Figure 4(A) shows the results of a SuperArray blot. The assay shows that there is increased levels of mRNA for cytokines and cytokine receptors in the W/T mice treated with whole Helicobacter pylori as opposed to the control. 4(B and C) shows that TLR2 K/O mice do not produce IL-6 (a cytokine) in the presence of H. pylori, but do produce cytokine in the presence of E. coli. This suggests that TLR2 is the dominant toll-like receptor to activate the innate immune system in response to Helicobacter.

unacceptableCHICK:G0W2S9Masonale, MichSt14A 152014-04-03 11:27:03 CDTGO:0030284 estrogen receptor activity (F)PMID:22868208ECO:0000314 direct assay evidence used in manual assertion

Figure 4B shows LRP2 expression in the kidneys of both hens and roosters. There is greater expression of LRP2 in hen kidneys, suggesting LRP2 is over-expressed in response to estrogen.

acceptableCHICK:G0W2S9Masonale, MichSt14A 152014-04-03 11:27:03 CDTGO:0030284 estrogen receptor activity (F)PMID:22868208ECO:0000315 mutant phenotype evidence used in manual assertion

Figure 5:B and C. Western blot shows that LRP2 expression is increased in roosters treated with estrogen. Roosters treated with estrogen and then sacrificed within a 24 hour period (2, 5, 6) had the greatest amount of over-expression. Roosters who were treated with estrogen, and then sacrificed later than 24 hours (sacrifice at 48 hours -3- or 72 hours -4-). Roosters treated with estrogen multiple times (5 and 6) had the most over-expression of LRP2.


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