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Category:GO:0009579 ! thylakoid

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DAG for GO:0009579id: GO:0009579

name: thylakoid
namespace: cellular_component
def: "A membranous cellular structure that bears the photosynthetic pigments in plants, algae, and cyanobacteria. In cyanobacteria thylakoids are of various shapes and are attached to, or continuous with, the plasma membrane. In eukaryotes they are flattened, membrane-bounded disk-like structures located in the chloroplasts; in the chloroplasts of higher plants the thylakoids form dense stacks called grana. Isolated thylakoid preparations can carry out photosynthetic electron transport and the associated phosphorylation." [GOC:ds, GOC:mtg_sensu, ISBN:0198506732]
comment: A thylakoid is not considered an organelle, but some thylakoids are part of organelles.
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_metagenomics
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_plant
subset: goslim_plant_ribbon
subset: goslim_prokaryote
subset: goslim_prokaryote_ribbon
synonym: "photosynthetic membrane" RELATED []
xref: Wikipedia:Thylakoid
is_a: GO:0043232 ! intracellular membraneless organelle

AmiGO <GOterm>GO:0009579</GOterm>
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