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Category:GO:0000236 ! mitotic prometaphase

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DAG for GO:0000236id: GO:0000236

name: mitotic prometaphase
namespace: biological_process
def: "The cell cycle phase in higher eukaryotes which follows mitotic prophase and during which the nuclear envelope is disrupted and breaks into membrane vesicles, and the spindle microtubules enter the nuclear region. Kinetochores mature on each centromere and attach to some of the spindle microtubules. Kinetochore microtubules begin the process of aligning chromosomes in one plane halfway between the poles." [GOC:mtg_cell_cycle]
comment: Note that this term should not be used for direct annotation. If you are trying to make an annotation to x phase, it is likely that the correct annotation is 'regulation of x/y phase transition' or to a process which occurs during the reported phase (i.e mitotic DNA replication for mitotic S-phase). To capture the phase when a specific location or process is observed, the phase term can be used in an annotation extension (PMID:24885854) applied to a cellular component term (with the relation exists_during) or a biological process term (with the relation happens_during).
subset: gocheck_do_not_annotate
is_a: GO:0000087 ! mitotic M phase

AmiGO <GOterm>GO:0000236</GOterm>
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Pages in category "GO:0000236 ! mitotic prometaphase"

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