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Category:Team Joshua Lederberg

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StatusPageUserDate/TimeGO Term (Aspect)ReferenceEvidenceNotesLinks
acceptableCITFR:AMPCJo436078, Team Joshua Lederberg2012-04-15 16:23:54 CDTGO:0046677 response to antibiotic (P)PMID:21627834ECO:0000315 mutant phenotype evidence used in manual assertion

Beta-lactamase activity based on antibiotic susceptibility of C. freundii versus E. coli transconjugants. C. freundii shows higher MIC in most cases. See table 1.

acceptableECOLI:SBMCTh005027, Team Joshua Lederberg2012-04-15 12:50:19 CDTGO:0008657 DNA topoisomerase (ATP-hydrolyzing) inhibitor activity (F)PMID:11777918ECO:0000314 direct assay evidence used in manual assertion

Figure 1

requireschangesCITFR:AMPCJo436078, Team Joshua Lederberg2012-04-15 10:45:28 CDTGO:0008800 beta-lactamase activity (F)PMID:21627834ECO:0000270 expression pattern evidence used in manual assertion

Beta-lactamase activity based on antibiotic susceptibility of C. freundii versus E. coli transconjugants. C. freundii shows higher MIC in most cases. See table 1.

requireschangesECOLI:ZIPATh005027, Team Joshua Lederberg2012-04-15 09:17:46 CDTGO:0005886 plasma membrane (C)PMID:16079137ECO:0000314 direct assay evidence used in manual assertion

Figure 4

requireschangesECOLI:FADLTh005027, Team Joshua Lederberg2012-04-15 08:39:36 CDTGO:0006869 lipid transport (P)PMID:19182779ECO:0000314 direct assay evidence used in manual assertion

Figure 2

requireschangesCITFR:Q5ETW8Jo436078, Team Joshua Lederberg2012-04-14 22:16:37 CDTGO:0034219 carbohydrate transmembrane transport (P)PMID:9232651ECO:0000314 direct assay evidence used in manual assertion

Figure 3A shows C. freundii lac permease protein transporting (active transport) melibiose sugar over time compared to E. Coli raffinose permease. The direct assay experiment shows that a conserved sequence of residues is maintained and exhibit similar function between the two species' transmembrane sugar transporters.

requireschangesSALTY:SIPDJo436078, Team Joshua Lederberg2012-04-13 22:11:52 CDTGO:0009405 pathogenesis (P)PMID:21138848ECO:0000314 direct assay evidence used in manual assertion

Figure 8 shows the results of a Salmonella invasion assay as a function of SipD point mutations.


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