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Category:GO:0071144 ! heteromeric SMAD protein complex
name: heteromeric SMAD protein complex
namespace: cellular_component
alt_id: GO:0071145
alt_id: GO:0071146
def: "A protein complex composed of SMAD family proteins, a transcription factor complex which binds to the promoters of target genes and recruits co-activators and histone acetyltransferases, facilitating transcription. Phosphorylation of the non-SMAD4 subunit(s) enables binding of SMAD4 to form heteromeric complexes that enter the nucleus to initiate gene transcription. DNA-binding specificity is conferred by other transcription factors binding to SMAD complexes. Interactions with coactivators or corepressors modulate their transcriptional activity. Can be heterotrimeric or heterodimeric." [GOC:bhm, GOC:mah, PMID:11779505, PMID:15350224, PMID:16322555, PMID:9389648, PMID:9670020]
synonym: "SMAD1-SMAD4 protein complex" NARROW []
synonym: "SMAD2-SMAD3-SMAD4 protein complex" NARROW []
synonym: "SMAD2-SMAD4 protein complex" NARROW [CORUM:3001]
synonym: "SMAD3-SMAD4 protein complex" NARROW []
is_a: GO:0071141 ! SMAD protein complex
is_a: GO:0090575 ! RNA polymerase II transcription regulator complex
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