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Category:GO:0003810 ! protein-glutamine gamma-glutamyltransferase activity

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DAG for GO:0003810id: GO:0003810

name: protein-glutamine gamma-glutamyltransferase activity
namespace: molecular_function
def: "Catalysis of the reaction: L-glutaminyl-[protein] + L-lysyl-[protein] = [protein]-L-lysyl-N(6)-5-L-glutamyl-[protein] + NH4+. This reaction is the formation of the N6-(L-isoglutamyl)-L-lysine isopeptide, resulting in cross-linking polypeptide chains; the gamma-carboxamide groups of peptidyl-glutamine residues act as acyl donors, and the 6-amino-groups of peptidyl-lysine residues act as acceptors, to give intra- and intermolecular N6-(5-glutamyl)lysine cross-links." [EC:]
synonym: "factor XIIIa" RELATED [EC:]
synonym: "fibrin stabilizing factor" RELATED [EC:]
synonym: "fibrinoligase activity" EXACT []
synonym: "glutaminylpeptide gamma-glutamyltransferase activity" RELATED [EC:]
synonym: "polyamine transglutaminase activity" RELATED [EC:]
synonym: "protein-glutamine:amine gamma-glutamyltransferase" RELATED [EC:]
synonym: "R-glutaminyl-peptide:amine gamma-glutamyl transferase activity" RELATED [EC:]
synonym: "TGase activity" EXACT []
synonym: "tissue transglutaminase" NARROW [EC:]
synonym: "transglutaminase activity" EXACT []
xref: EC:
xref: MetaCyc:
xref: RESID:AA0124
xref: RHEA:54816
is_a: GO:0016755 ! aminoacyltransferase activity
is_a: GO:0140096 ! catalytic activity, acting on a protein

AmiGO <GOterm>GO:0003810</GOterm>
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