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Phage Hunters Spring 2017

My Annotations

StatusPageDate/TimeGO Term (Aspect)ReferenceEvidenceNotesLinks
updatedbyinstructor9CAUD:Q9G0972017-04-09 16:10:10 CDTGO:0098004 virus tail fiber assembly (P)PMID:27824135ECO:0000315 mutant phenotype evidence used in manual assertion

56 mutants were created to characterize which domains of TP901-1's tape measure gene (TMP) were essential for infection of the phage and it's tail assembly. Through this experiment, TP901-1's N-terminal 154 amino acid residues, C-terminal 60 residues, and hydrophobic region were revealed to be required for TP901's infectivity. This is shown in fig.2 in the paper, where removing 30 amino acids from both N and C-termini cause phage assembly to be aberrant, while removal of the hydrophobic region causes tai length reduction.



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