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GO:2000233negative regulation of rRNA processingPMID:17296733IDA: Inferred from Direct Assay P
This annotation made on page: YEAST:MOT1
By: Courtney.kast4500 (group Team Nameless) on 2012-11-18 11:38:28 CST.

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Team Smarter Who?
2012-11-21 13:37:29 CST

This figure is comparing a mot1 mutant to the wild type, so IMP would be a better evidence code. Also the figure shows that rRNA processing is reduced in the mot1 mutants, so this would mean Mot1 protein is involved positively in rRNA processing. The GO term is incorrect.

Bmcintosh2012-11-25 17:03:15 CSTYou need to be an instructor to view these notes.Unacceptable