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The row for this annotation cannot be found. This might be due to a row or page getting deleted.

GO:0000786PMID:21179167IDA: Inferred from Direct Assay
This annotation made on page:
By: Afg8920 (group Team Cheesesteak) on 2011-10-18 20:17:37 CDT.

You must be logged in to challenge this annotation.

Entry TypeChallenging User,GroupTime/DateChallenge ReasonPoints/Assessment
Team Polymerase Chain Re-awesome
2011-10-24 19:11:54 CDT

Reason for challenge - this annotation should be removed because there is no evidence from this paper in regards to this GO term. Figure 3 does not show anything for nucleosomes.

Davidmigl2011-10-25 19:19:22 CDT

Indeed, the point of the paper is NOT to establish the fact that mH2A is a nucleosome. It was definitely known before they started the experiment that mH2A is a nucleosome. For more points, the challengers should have suggested a better GO term, such as "cancer progression" or "regulation of gene expression."
