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GO:0010675regulation of cellular carbohydrate metabolic processPMID:12601157IEP: Inferred from Expression Pattern P
This annotation made on page: VIBCH:TOXR
By: Vchhabria (group Team KremlinOnTheCrum) on 2011-10-16 18:11:18 CDT.

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Entry TypeChallenging User,GroupTime/DateChallenge ReasonPoints/Assessment
Team KremlinOnTheCrum
2011-10-30 17:18:42 CDT

For Evidence: This experiment is a microarray experiment that compares two separate mutants. This puts it into a confusing category because scientists should acknowledge that IEP means that the GO term listed could be associated with a downstream effect of knocking the gene out (IEP is the official GONUTS handbook citation for an expression pattern). However, at the same time, the evidence code is that of an IMP because microarrays can be taken with cells that are given one treatment or another. Since IMP also suggests that the mutant phenotype was observed and since an IEP doesn't account for causality, both points should be clear. Since there is no way to mark both in a single evidence code, I marked both of these codes. The evidence code is thus unclear and it was discussed with a judge and the conclusion was that after the GO convention next month a decision can be made as to what the proper evidence code is.

None, yet.
Team Nitrogen Fixers
2011-10-24 23:57:11 CDT

this is a duplicate annotation. everything is exactly the same except the evidence code, which should be IMP because the study is comparing the expression responses of the mutant and the wild-type.

None, yet.
Suzialeksander2014-07-10 15:24:02 CDTYou need to be an instructor to view these notes.Unacceptable
E-peterson2011-11-22 19:17:20 CSTYou need to be an instructor to view these notes.Flagged