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Colocalizes withGO:0034290holin activityPMID:16030234ECO:0000315, ECO:0000082 IMP: Inferred from Mutant PhenotypeMolecular Function
Abt2graduate2x is a temperate Streptomyces phage that utilizes endolysin and holin to rupture the cell wall of bacteria. Holins are peripheral proteins that become integrated into the membrane which will guide endolysin to cut through the membrane, rupturing the cell (seen as a temperate rupture). The synteny found in Abt2graduate2x of both holin and endolysin in direct series of one another is supported by the article's statement that these genes are next to each other.
This allows for timed but efficient functioning upon its synthesis. 
Mutations of the genes responsible for holin in PRD1 were implemented to determine if the expression of one, both, or neither of the proteins would affect the bacteria's permeability.  When only one of the proteins is expressed, they find less K+ leaking through but if they are both expressed together, there is an increase in leakage.
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By: PMariano (group Team Blue B 2019) on 2019-03-11 20:48:44 CDT.

Team Blue B 20190

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Entry TypeChallenging User,GroupTime/DateChallenge ReasonPoints/Assessment
Ivanerill2019-03-24 17:11:12 CDTNo notes given.Unacceptable
Ivanerill2019-03-17 18:19:24 CDT

The annotation is currently to Abt2graduatex2 holin, but the paper is likely about BPPRD holin. Notes do not specify which experiment is being referred to, nor justification for mol. function annotation. Only one evidence term is allowed.

Please use the cross-linked evidence terms from ECO (i.e. those that end in "used in manual assertion" or "used in automatic assertion"). Most instances of evidence you will come across will be of type "used in manual assertion". Terms with "used in automatic assertion" imply that the authors did not make a conscious effort to analyze the results of an experiment, letting an algorithm make the call. For instance, if somebody were to use BLAST to determine that a bunch of proteins are homologous (and hence have the same function as the query) and they do not assess the BLAST results in any way (just accept whatever BLAST returns as significant given a preestablished threshold) that could be thought of as an "automatic assertion".

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Ivanerill2019-03-13 09:29:04 CDT

The annotation is currently to Abt2graduatex2 holin, but the paper is likely about BPPRD holin. Notes do not specify which experiment is being referred to, nor justification for mol. function annotation. Only one evidence term is allowed.

Please use the cross-linked evidence terms from ECO (i.e. those that end in "used in manual assertion" or "used in automatic assertion"). Most instances of evidence you will come across will be of type "used in manual assertion". Terms with "used in automatic assertion" imply that the authors did not make a conscious effort to analyze the results of an experiment, letting an algorithm make the call. For instance, if somebody were to use BLAST to determine that a bunch of proteins are homologous (and hence have the same function as the query) and they do not assess the BLAST results in any way (just accept whatever BLAST returns as significant given a preestablished threshold) that could be thought of as an "automatic assertion".

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Ivanerill2019-03-12 05:40:29 CDTYou need to be an instructor to view these notes.Requires Changes
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