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GO:0004386helicase activityPMID:2547651ISA: Inferred from Sequence Alignment PMID:2547651 F
This annotation made on page: BPT5:HEL10
By: TaylorBourgeois (group Team T7) on 2016-04-26 23:08:28 CDT.

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Entry TypeChallenging User,GroupTime/DateChallenge ReasonPoints/Assessment
Team Kendrick Jafars
2016-05-04 17:52:15 CDT

Your reference is good but for an ISA you can't use a comparison to a super family as evidence, it's too general. You need the accession of a specific phage that has been experimentally annotated for its helicase protein. This phage gene product would most likely also be a member of the helicase super family. The publication refers to the 20 members of the super family as (A,E,G et al) and gives the reference numbers in parentheses next to the sequences. You need to follow these references and pick a member of the super family that has an experimentally determined annotation for helicase, and then include that accession in the with/from.

Team Kendrick Jafars
2016-04-27 13:41:55 CDT

Your reference is good but for an ISA you can't use a comparison to a super family as evidence, it's too general. You need the accession of a specific phage that has been experimentally annotated for its helicase protein. This phage gene product would most likely also be a member of the helicase super family. The publication refers to the 20 members of the super family as (A,E,G et al) and gives the reference numbers in parentheses next to the sequences. You need to follow these references and pick a member of the super family that has an experimentally determined annotation for helicase, and then include that accession in the with/from.

Suzialeksander2016-05-16 14:41:51 CDTYou need to be an instructor to view these notes.Unacceptable