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Category:Team Wheat Thins

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StatusPageUserDate/TimeGO Term (Aspect)ReferenceEvidenceNotesLinks
unacceptableARATH:DRE1BNazarud1, Team Wheat Thins2013-04-14 17:54:03 CDTGO:0009409 response to cold (P)PMID:15356394ECO:0000315 mutant phenotype evidence used in manual assertion

Figure 1 shows the expression of CBF-1 in warm and cold temperature by comparing WT with the mutants.

correctedthroughchallenges?Uenoshoh, Team Wheat Thins2013-04-14 17:34:41 CDTGO:0000278 mitotic cell cycle (Figure2: (A) Percentage of positional separation frequencies per homologous chromosome (number of investigated nuclei in parentheses) analyzed in wild-type (Col-0) and etg1-1 mutant plants after FISH with the labeled T2P11 or T7N9 BACs from chromosome 1. The FISH probe pAL detects the centromeric 178-bp repeats. (B–D) Structural arrangement of FISH signal positions in 4C nuclei counterstained with DAPI. (B) Positional alignment (T2P11) at both chromosome 1 homologs. Two of 10 centromeric signals associated (arrow). (C) Positional sister chromatid separation at both homologs. (D) Positional association of both homologs. (E) Percentage of sister chromatid alignment/separation frequencies analyzed in wild-type (Col-0) and etg1-1. (F) Identical frequencies of centromere-specific FISH signals in wild-type and etg1-1 nuclei.)PMID:20090939IDA: Inferred from Direct Assay
requireschangesHUMAN:MCMBPUenoshoh, Team Wheat Thins2013-04-14 17:31:45 CDTGO:0000084 S phase of mitotic cell cycle (P)PMID:23451133ECO:0000314 direct assay evidence used in manual assertion

Figure2: (A) Alignment of LOS1 with human, fish, worm and plant MCM-BP is shown. BLAST searches identify that all of MCM-BP including LOS1 contain two families of sequences, called ‘MCM Bind Superfamily’ (underlined in blue) and ‘Racemase 4 Super family’ (underlined in red). (B) A schematic diagram of T. brucei MCM-BP. A black triangle in the ‘Racemase 4 Superfamily’ domain indicates the site where a mariner transposon (Tn) was inserted.

requireschanges?Nazarud1, Team Wheat Thins2013-04-14 17:18:31 CDTGO:0009910 negative regulation of flower development ()PMID:22848750IMP: Inferred from Mutant Phenotype
requireschanges?Nazarud1, Team Wheat Thins2013-04-14 17:08:40 CDTGO:0006886 intracellular protein transport (Figure 1 and 2 shows the syp22-1 mutant morphology when compared to WT. Mutation of syp22 gene does affects flowering time of A. thaliana as late flowering phenotype of syp22 observed was due to elevated expression of FLC caused by impairment of the autonomous pathway. )PMID:22848750IMP: Inferred from Mutant Phenotype
updatedbyinstructorSPIOL:O50054Nazarud1, Team Wheat Thins2013-03-31 13:31:36 CDTGO:0009631 cold acclimation (P)PMID:9536054ECO:0000314 direct assay evidence used in manual assertion

Fig 12 shows expression of spinach CAP160 in tobacco affects cold acclimation


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