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Category:Team Contagious Intelligence

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StatusPageUserDate/TimeGO Term (Aspect)ReferenceEvidenceNotesLinks
updatedbyinstructorPEPDI:CH60Siriasde, Team Contagious Intelligence2013-04-14 14:52:55 CDTGO:0044650 adhesion of symbiont to host cell (P)PMID:11160803ECO:0000314 direct assay evidence used in manual assertion

Figure 5 shows the adhesion of C. difficile to Vero cells in the absence and presence of anti-GroEL; adhesion decreases when anti-GroEL is present indicating that GroEL is involved in the attachment of C. difficile to cells.

updatedbyinstructorKLEPN:NIFLJensenl7, Team Contagious Intelligence2013-04-14 10:44:33 CDTGO:0009399 nitrogen fixation (P)PMID:11907678ECO:0000314 direct assay evidence used in manual assertion

Table 2.

updatedbyinstructorLACRE:Q9FCU5Siriasde, Team Contagious Intelligence2013-04-13 16:36:40 CDTGO:0044650 adhesion of symbiont to host cell (P)PMID:16861796ECO:0000314 direct assay evidence used in manual assertion

Fig 4.

acceptableLACLM:CLPPSiriasde, Team Contagious Intelligence2013-04-11 21:25:24 CDTGO:0006515 misfolded or incompletely synthesized protein catabolic process (P)PMID:9987112ECO:0000315 mutant phenotype evidence used in manual assertion

Figure 5 shows that a clpP mutant strain has a reduced ability to degrade puromycyl-containing polypeptides which are comparable to misfolded proteins. This indicates that ClpP degrades misfolded proteins.

updatedbyinstructorCLOPF:A8ULG6Jensenl7, Team Contagious Intelligence2013-04-10 23:13:30 CDTGO:0044179 hemolysis in other organism (P)PMID:23386432ECO:0000315 mutant phenotype evidence used in manual assertion

As seen in figure 5, purified netB protein incubated with chicken or duck red blood cells caused an increase in hemoglobin, implying that hemolysis occurred.

updatedbyinstructorPEPDI:Q45SX3Siriasde, Team Contagious Intelligence2013-04-09 12:00:22 CDTGO:0044650 adhesion of symbiont to host cell (P)PMID:11705981ECO:0000314 direct assay evidence used in manual assertion

Figure 1B shows adherence of Vero cells to purified GST protein (negative control), FliC, FliD, and the crude flagella. Significant adherence is seen in the purified FliD; a weaker adherence is seen in the crude flagella (both FliC and FliD). These results indicate that FliD has a role in cell adhesion during C. difficile infection.

requireschanges?Jensenl7, Team Contagious Intelligence2013-03-31 10:16:11 CDTGO:0016787 hydrolase activity (As seen in figure 4, the sipL mutant exhibits an immature endospore phenotype in contrast with the sporulating wild type. )PMID:23292781IMP: Inferred from Mutant Phenotype
updatedbyinstructorPEPD6:SP4AJensenl7, Team Contagious Intelligence2013-03-28 11:57:45 CDTGO:0034301 endospore formation (P)PMID:23292781ECO:0000315 mutant phenotype evidence used in manual assertion

As seen in figure 4, the SpoIVA mutant exhibits an immature endospore phenotype in contrast with the sporulating wild type.


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