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Category:GO:0070582 ! theta DNA replication

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DAG for GO:0070582id: GO:0070582

name: theta DNA replication
namespace: biological_process
def: "A DNA-dependent DNA replication process in which a double-stranded DNA molecule is synthesized from a circular duplex template." [GOC:cb, GOC:mah, ISBN:0198506732]
synonym: "theta replication" EXACT [GOC:cb]
is_a: GO:0006261 ! DNA-templated DNA replication

AmiGO <GOterm>GO:0070582</GOterm>
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Usage Notes

This is a PROCESS term, so use this term for proteins that are shown to be involved in replicating the DNA genome of a virus.

  • The DNA genome of the virus could be single-stranded like the bacteriophage phiX174, Parvoviruses, and Nanoviruses or
  • The DNA genome of the virus could be double-stranded like the bacteriophages lambda, T4, P1, or viruses like Herpes, or Archaea viruses like Bicaudaviruses.
  • It may be possible, depending on the evidence in a scientific article, that you will have to use a less specific term. Consider:

Other suggested terms that might be suitable if you are looking at modes of DNA replication

More information on virus from ViralZone


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