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Category:GO:0040026 ! positive regulation of vulval development

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DAG for GO:0040026id: GO:0040026

name: positive regulation of vulval development
namespace: biological_process
def: "Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of development of the vulva. Vulval development is the process whose specific outcome is the progression of the egg-laying organ of female and hermaphrodite nematodes over time, from its formation to the mature structure. In nematodes, the vulva is formed from ventral epidermal cells during larval stages to give rise to a fully formed vulva in the adult." [GOC:ems, GOC:kmv]
synonym: "activation of vulval development" RELATED []
synonym: "stimulation of vulval development" RELATED []
synonym: "up regulation of vulval development" RELATED []
synonym: "up-regulation of vulval development" RELATED []
synonym: "upregulation of vulval development" RELATED []
is_a: GO:0040028 ! regulation of vulval development
is_a: GO:0051094 ! positive regulation of developmental process
relationship: positively_regulates: GO:0040025 ! vulval development
intersection_of: GO:0065007 ! biological regulation
intersection_of: positively_regulates GO:0040025 ! vulval development

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