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Category:GO:0000439 ! transcription factor TFIIH core complex
name: transcription factor TFIIH core complex
namespace: cellular_component
alt_id: GO:0000441
def: "The 7 subunit core of TFIIH that is a part of either the general transcription factor holo-TFIIH or the nucleotide-excision repair factor 3 complex. In S. cerevisiae/humans the complex is composed of: Ssl2/XPB, Tfb1/p62, Tfb2/p52, Ssl1/p44, Tfb4/p34, Tfb5/p8 and Rad3/XPD." [GOC:ew, GOC:krc, PMID:14500720, PMID:17215295, PMID:22308316, PMID:22572993, PMID:23028141, PMID:7813015]
subset: goslim_pir
synonym: "core TFIIH complex" EXACT []
synonym: "SSL2-core TFIIH complex" EXACT []
is_a: GO:0090575 ! RNA polymerase II transcription regulator complex
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