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Caenorhabditis elegans (nematode)

VATB_CAEEL:vha-12, F20B6.2: Probable vacuolar ATP synthase subunit B
Protein:VATB_CAEEL on WormBase

GO terms

GO:0008219_!_cell_death (P) IMP [1]
GO:0015988_!_energy_coupled_proton_transport,_against_electrochemical_gradient (P) NAS [2]
GO:0015992_!_proton_transport (P) NAS [2]
GO:0016337_!_cell-cell_adhesion (P) IMP [2]
GO:0046961_!_hydrogen_ion_transporting_ATPase_activity,_rotational_mechanism (F) NAS [2]

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See Help:References for how to manage references in GONUTS.

  1. Syntichaki, P et al. (2005) The vacuolar H+ -ATPase mediates intracellular acidification required for neurodegeneration in C. elegans. Curr. Biol. 15 1249-54 PubMed GONUTS page
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Kontani, K et al. (2005) Repression of cell-cell fusion by components of the C. elegans vacuolar ATPase complex. Dev. Cell 8 787-94 PubMed GONUTS page
