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CACAO Phage Hunters 2018

My Annotations

StatusPageDate/TimeGO Term (Aspect)ReferenceEvidenceNotesLinks
requireschangesSTRCO:RNC2018-04-01 13:45:49 CDTGO:0017000 antibiotic biosynthetic process (P)PMID:10498729ECO:0000314 direct assay evidence used in manual assertion

Figure 2. shows the PCR primers A and D in the experiment. They were used to make a absB gene template from the wild-type and mutant strains (shown in table 1). The primers were inserted into an E. coli replicon, pBluescript SK(+) (pBK802 to pBK804 and pRK805), in order to be sequences with normal primers and reversed primers. The results of the experiment show that the abs gene encodes the S. coelicolor homolog of RNase III. Also, through a series of processes, absB mutant can be transformed in the wild-type Abs+ when using a gene homologous to the wild-type RNAse III.



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