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GO:0009832plant-type cell wall biogenesisPMID:23386682ISO: Inferred from Sequence Orthology UniProtKB: O48947 P
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By: Cbergren (group Team Beadle) on 2013-04-24 12:47:54 CDT.

You must be logged in to challenge this annotation.

Entry TypeChallenging User,GroupTime/DateChallenge ReasonPoints/Assessment
Team G'nUnit
2013-05-03 11:47:28 CDT

The protein that was used in the "with/from" field cannot be used for this evidence code. The ISO evidence code is used for proteins that are known to be functional orthologs of each other. Orthologs, by definition are genes in different species that evolved from a common ancestral gene by speciation.

Suzialeksander2013-05-09 12:50:57 CDTYou need to be an instructor to view these notes.Unacceptable
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