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GO:0042304regulation of fatty acid biosynthetic processPMID:11566998IMP: Inferred from Mutant Phenotype P
This annotation made on page: ECOLI:FADR
By: Kpadda1 (group Team Pterodactyl) on 2012-10-20 22:26:38 CDT.

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Team Helicase
2012-10-23 20:46:01 CDT

GO:0045723 or positive regualtion of fatty acid biosyntheitc process would be a better term to describe fadR. Table 2 demonstrates global differential gene expression. The table relates the parallel gene expression of fabA, which is characterized, to fabB indicating fabB expression is modulated similarly to the fabA mechanism. Further evidence of positive regulation of fabB by fadR be found in Table 3.

Bmcintosh2012-10-22 14:54:32 CDT

I will accept the annotation to the more specific positive regulation of fatty acid biosynthetic process, but this one is redundant and less informative using the same paper.
