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GO:0004519endonuclease activityPMID:9874768IDA: Inferred from Direct Assay F
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By: NGonzalez (group Team Green A 2018) on 2018-04-15 21:38:43 CDT.

You must be logged in to challenge this annotation.

Entry TypeChallenging User,GroupTime/DateChallenge ReasonPoints/Assessment
Team Purple B 2018
2018-04-17 20:54:17 CDT

A couple things: Figure 2 doesn't show "yields" of anything, it shows a rate of the reaction of wild type versus mutated exonucleases. With this being the case, IMP might be a better fit than IDA, the GO ID would need to be changed to exonuclease activity, and maybe talk about what it means. Does this mean the Lysine at 196 is necessary for exonuclease function? Why does Lysine at 196 and 83 being mutated to Alanine cause such a drastic reduction in activity? These are good questions to ask and answer in a figure like this

Team Green B
2018-04-17 13:47:46 CDT

Figure 2 shows exonucleolytic activity. GO term is for endonuclease activity.

Ivanerill2018-05-02 11:35:09 CDT

The article does not make very explicit mention of the specific protein that is being assessed. Your notes should detail how you established that it mapped to BPT5:ENDO2. Follow the challenge advise and correct the nuclease activity term to the appropriate one.

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