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Category:Team Step 2

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StatusPageUserDate/TimeGO Term (Aspect)ReferenceEvidenceNotesLinks
acceptablePARDE:Q51665Wwhitm2, Team Step 22011-11-06 17:07:25 CSTGO:0016966 nitric oxide reductase activity (F)PMID:9022686ECO:0000315 mutant phenotype evidence used in manual assertion

Table 2

acceptableCUPNE:A1JHG0Wwhitm2, Team Step 22011-10-23 17:47:11 CDTGO:0016966 nitric oxide reductase activity (F)PMID:9352929ECO:0000316 genetic interaction evidence used in manual assertion

FIGURE 5 demonstrates that in the absence of norB (and norZ) the organism cannot preform anaerobic nitrification.

acceptablePARDE:NORCWwhitm2, Team Step 22011-10-23 17:38:04 CDTGO:0016966 nitric oxide reductase activity (F)PMID:9022686ECO:0000315 mutant phenotype evidence used in manual assertion

Table 4.

unacceptableNEIG2:B4RMX9Wwhitm2, Team Step 22011-10-23 17:24:46 CDTGO:0016966 nitric oxide reductase activity (F)PMID:10948150ECO:0000247 sequence alignment evidence used in manual assertion

Sequence alignment shown in FIGURE 1

acceptableSYNY3:P74677Wwhitm2, Team Step 22011-10-17 19:16:41 CDTGO:0016966 nitric oxide reductase activity (F)PMID:11823206ECO:0000315 mutant phenotype evidence used in manual assertion

Figure 2, Figure 4 demonstrates that in norB knockout mutants nitrous oxide does not get produced.


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