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Category:Team ContaminatorZ

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StatusPageUserDate/TimeGO Term (Aspect)ReferenceEvidenceNotesLinks
unacceptable9CAUD:A0A024AZP1Gilliabb, Team ContaminatorZ2016-04-11 03:55:17 CDTGO:0098015 virus tail (C)PMID:25100842ECO:0000314 direct assay evidence used in manual assertion

Evoli Phage gp103 - Tail Lysin 1

This is a primary annotation not a transfer annotation

This tail lysin helps with the initial infection of the bacterial cell unlike an endolysin which would help with internal lysing of the bacterial cell

unacceptable9CAUD:A0A024B059Heatheca, Team ContaminatorZ2016-04-11 03:52:58 CDTGO:0098024 virus tail, fiber (C)PMID:2943077ECO:0000317 genomic context evidence used in manual assertion

"may induce a change(s) in the configuration and/or arrangement of gp17 to mask the sensitive sites from cleavage by chymotrypsin"

unacceptable9CAUD:A0A024B0W1Nguye3jq, Team ContaminatorZ2016-04-11 03:47:39 CDTGO:0098017 viral capsid, major subunit (C)PMID:23408879ECO:0000315 mutant phenotype evidence used in manual assertion

The viral capsid allows for protection of a genome by formation of a protein shell around the genome. The protein allows for a large complex to form as a covering and allow for additional folding in space.

unacceptable9CAUD:A0A024B0X2Heatheca, Team ContaminatorZ2016-03-28 03:54:37 CDTGO:0098020 virus tail, minor subunit (C)PMID:22923442ECO:0000314 direct assay evidence used in manual assertion

found GO id and determined it was a functional protein from article

unacceptable9CAUD:A0A024B1E1Carsonrm, Team ContaminatorZ1969-12-31 06:00:00 CSTGO:0098027 virus tail, sheath (C)PMID:25517898ECO:0000314 direct assay evidence used in manual assertion

Tail Sheath Protein gene # 97


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