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Category:GO:0030089 ! phycobilisome
name: phycobilisome
namespace: cellular_component
def: "Any of the granules, approximately 32 nm x 48 nm and consisting of highly aggregated phycobiliproteins, that are attached in arrays to the external face of a thylakoid membrane in algae of the phyla Cyanophyta and Rhodophyta, where they function as light-harvesting devices in photosynthesis. Excitation energy in the phycobilisome flows in the sequence: phycoerythrin, phycocyanin, allophycocyanin before passing to the antenna chlorophyll of photosystem II." [GOC:jl, PMID:11734882, Wikipedia:Phycobilisome]
xref: Wikipedia:Phycobilisome
is_a: GO:0030076 ! light-harvesting complex
is_a: GO:0098796 ! membrane protein complex
relationship: part_of: GO:0042651 ! thylakoid membrane
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