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Category:GO:0021715 ! inferior olivary nucleus formation

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DAG for GO:0021715id: GO:0021715

name: inferior olivary nucleus formation
namespace: biological_process
def: "The process that gives rise to the inferior olivary nucleus. This process pertains to the initial formation of a structure from unspecified parts. The inferior olivary nucleus is a capsule-shaped structure in the ventral medulla located just lateral and dorsal to the medullary pyramids. Neurons in the inferior olivary nucleus are the source of climbing fiber input to the cerebellar cortex; these neurons have been implicated in various functions, such as learning and timing of movements." [GO_REF:0000021, GOC:cls, GOC:dgh, GOC:dph, GOC:jid, ISBN:0838580343]
synonym: "inferior olive biosynthesis" RELATED []
synonym: "inferior olive formation" RELATED []
is_a: GO:0048646 ! anatomical structure formation involved in morphogenesis
relationship: part_of: GO:0021580 ! medulla oblongata formation
relationship: part_of: GO:0021714 ! inferior olivary nucleus morphogenesis

AmiGO <GOterm>GO:0021715</GOterm>
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