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Category:GO:0018251 ! peptidyl-tyrosine dehydrogenation
name: peptidyl-tyrosine dehydrogenation
namespace: biological_process
def: "The oxidation of the C alpha-C beta bond of peptidyl-tyrosine to form peptidyl-dehydrotyrosine coupled with cyclization of neighboring residues." [RESID:AA0183]
comment: See also the biological process terms 'peptide cross-linking via L-seryl-5-imidazolinone glycine ; GO:0018252' and 'peptide cross-linking via 2-imino-glutaminyl-5-imidazolinone glycine ; GO:0019729'.
subset: gocheck_obsoletion_candidate
xref: RESID:AA0183
is_a: GO:0018212 ! peptidyl-tyrosine modification
is_a: GO:0018249 ! protein dehydration
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