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Category:GO:0001147 ! transcription termination site sequence-specific DNA binding

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DAG for GO:0001147id: GO:0001147

name: transcription termination site sequence-specific DNA binding
namespace: molecular_function
alt_id: GO:0001145
alt_id: GO:0001146
alt_id: GO:0001148
alt_id: GO:0001160
def: "Binding to a sequence of DNA that promotes termination by RNA polymerase. The transcribed region might be described as a gene, cistron, or operon." [GOC:txnOH, PMID:18280161, PMID:18391175]
comment: Transcription termination sites can be recognized by the RNA polymerase (RNAP) itself or by another protein which interacts with the RNAP to promote transcription termination. Note that not all genes have a DNA specific sequence that functions as a termination site; for most mRNAs transcribed by RNAP II termination is not mediated by a specific termination sequence, but is coupled to polyadenylation.
synonym: "bacterial-type RNA polymerase termination site sequence-specific DNA binding" NARROW []
synonym: "mitochondrial RNA polymerase termination site sequence-specific DNA binding" NARROW []
synonym: "mitochondrial RNA polymerase terminator site sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity" NARROW []
synonym: "transcription factor activity, mitochondrial RNA polymerase terminator site sequence-specific binding" NARROW []
synonym: "transcription termination site DNA binding" RELATED []
is_a: GO:0000976 ! transcription cis-regulatory region binding
relationship: part_of: GO:0006353 ! DNA-templated transcription termination

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