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Category:GO:0000977 ! RNA polymerase II transcription regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding

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DAG for GO:0000977id: GO:0000977

name: RNA polymerase II transcription regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding
namespace: molecular_function
alt_id: GO:0001012
def: "Binding to a specific sequence of DNA that is part of a regulatory region that controls the transcription of a gene or cistron by RNA polymerase II." [GOC:txnOH]
comment: To minimize ambiguity in the use of the word "promoter" in GO, we have chosen the phrase "transcription regulatory region" to refer to all of the regulatory regions. Regulatory regions in the DNA which control initiation may include the "core promoter" where the basal transcription machinery binds, the "core promoter proximal region" where regulatory factors other than the basal machinery bind. There are also additional regulatory regions, in both the DNA and the RNA transcript, which regulate elongation or termination of transcription.
synonym: "RNA polymerase II regulatory region DNA binding" RELATED []
is_a: GO:0000976 ! transcription cis-regulatory region binding

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