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Spring 2012 Open Competition

My Annotations

StatusPageDate/TimeGO Term (Aspect)ReferenceEvidenceNotesLinks
requireschangesCAEEL:CUP42012-04-12 13:59:11 CDTGO:0005216 ion channel activity (F)PMID:19783783ECO:0000269 experimental evidence used in manual assertion

Figure 3D suggests resistance to oxidative resistance at the membrane level. Also, the author states "These findings indicate that NLP-7 and CUP-4 function in the same pathway under DR. Other SKN-1-dependent pathways might be activated by dietary restriction (DR)" .

requireschangesCRAGI:G9HQL12012-04-12 17:03:22 CDTGO:0080154 regulation of fertilization (P)PMID:22174750ECO:0000269 experimental evidence used in manual assertion

Fig4A: RT-qPCR reveals CgACE mRNA increases in germinal area of male gonads: spermatogonia, spermatocytes I & II. Fig6:all inhibitors induced dose-dependant decrease in fecundation rate: p less than 0.0001. This indicated CgACE crucial for fertility in C.gigas.

requireschangesCANAL:Q5ALT52012-04-12 17:46:56 CDTGO:0031505 fungal-type cell wall organization (Congo red (compound that interacts with chitin/interferes with cell wall construction) and caspofungin (inhibitor of the β-(1,3)-glucan synthase) were used on msb2 wildtype and mutant phenotypes to determine sensibility based on msb2 presence. ​Fig.1A,1A, MSB2 deletion resulted in Congo red sensitivity (250 μg/ml) as opposed to wildtype)PMID:19542310EXP: Inferred from Experiment


Annotations challenged by Co227488

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0 annotations fixed by Co227488

Internal Competition only involving UCF students

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See the documentation at Special:CACAO for more information.

My Annotations

Annotations challenged by Co227488

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0 annotations fixed by Co227488