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GO:0007600sensory perceptionPMID:20161754IMP: Inferred from Mutant Phenotype P
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By: Sejal (group Team UCL-Maple Leafs) on 2011-11-20 12:49:45 CST.

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Team UCL-Maple Leafs
2011-11-24 14:57:12 CST

I like your suggestio: GO term GO:0048880, sensory system development. However I felt that may be so specific since other proteins may be involved in sensory development. The only way to find out would be knocking out Nlgn1 and investigating the sensory development in terms of looking at the structure and function of the sensory system in bees.

Team That Will Beat You!!!
2011-11-22 19:25:15 CST

an even better go term is GO:0048880

Team That Will Beat You!!!
2011-11-22 19:23:33 CST

better go term is GO:0007601 "Expression of neuroligins and neurexin I in honeybee brain tissue, comparing bees that lived since emergence in a normal hive environment (H) with bees that lived since emergence in isolation in a dark incubator (I). "

Sgouni2011-11-26 21:16:51 CSTYou need to be an instructor to view these notes.Acceptable