GONUTS has been updated to MW1.31 Most things seem to be working but be sure to report problems.

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The row for this annotation cannot be found. This might be due to a row or page getting deleted.

GO:0070975FHA domain bindingPMID:11342549IDA: Inferred from Direct Assay F
This annotation made on page:
By: Jolive15 (group Team Denitrifiers) on 2011-11-04 21:54:56 CDT.

You must be logged in to challenge this annotation.

Entry TypeChallenging User,GroupTime/DateChallenge ReasonPoints/Assessment
Team She Will Be Loved
2011-11-08 20:01:43 CST

Binding as a GO term is no allowed

Bmcintosh2011-11-17 16:09:43 CST

We agree with the challenge - no binding terms are allowed for CACAO annotations.
