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GO:0046803reduction of virulencePMID:16404569IMP: Inferred from Mutant Phenotype P
This annotation made on page:
By: BISON (group Team NDSU Bisons) on 2011-11-02 13:07:41 CDT.

You must be logged in to challenge this annotation.

Entry TypeChallenging User,GroupTime/DateChallenge ReasonPoints/Assessment
Team That Will Beat You!!!
2011-11-13 14:10:47 CST

The GO term used is obsolete, and cannot be used. Also, while I understand that the GO term seems appropriate, it doesn't work because there is no experimental evidence to show that there is an actual reduction of virulence in an organism. They only show evidence that FliA negatively regulates the virulence genes. You can try to request that a GO term be made, which in this case would be something like the "Negative Regulation of Virulence Genes." The GO term should be replaced or the annotation will need to be deleted.

Suzialeksander2012-01-31 18:39:29 CSTYou need to be an instructor to view these notes.Unacceptable