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GO:0008979prophage integrase activityPMID:10383974IDA: Inferred from Direct Assay F
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By: SSingh (group Team Purple B 2018) on 2018-03-16 22:28:53 CDT.

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Entry TypeChallenging User,GroupTime/DateChallenge ReasonPoints/Assessment
Team Blue A 2018
2018-03-20 19:08:08 CDT

Fig 6 is largely a summarization and diagram of the results following PCR with the different primer pairs for the plasmid pAY721. Fig 8 shows the actual PCR results that Fig 6 summarizes. Noting Fig 6 and 8 in the annotation will likely lead to a stronger line of evidence.

Scaruso2018-03-22 20:32:17 CDT

The challenge is correct that fig. 8 contains the experimental data, though I think it will be difficult to explain. A more significant issue is that the protein being annotated is incorrect. This is not Int in coliphage Lambda. This paper is examining phage Mx8, which infects Myxococcus xanthus. It's Int gene is examined in Table 2, Figure 3, and Figure 4. The rest of the paper looks at the att sites.
