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GO:0019028viral capsid0000100:0000100ISS: Inferred from Sequence Similarity UniProtKB:Q858G8 C
This annotation made on page: BPE15:Q858G8
By: Chigbuon (group Team AOA Phagers) on 2017-04-19 14:04:55 CDT.

Team AOA Phagers0

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Entry TypeChallenging User,GroupTime/DateChallenge ReasonPoints/Assessment
DanielRenfro2017-05-07 17:02:32 CDT

This annotation has been flagged because it has been edited since last assessment

Qualifier GO ID GO term name Reference Evidence Code with/from Aspect Notes Status
GO:0019028 viral capsid 0000100:0000100 ISS: Inferred from Sequence Similarity UniProtKB:M1F234 C Comparison of the epsilon15 sequence to the sequence database using blatp showed that a region in epsilon15 and the major capsid protein in salmonella phage SPN9TCW have very close similarity. There was a percent Identity of a 100%, an Evalue of 0.0, and a query value of a 100. This shows that epsilon15 has a major capsid protein. complete
CACAO 12671
on BPE15:Q858G8
DanielRenfro2017-05-07 16:59:40 CDT

This annotation has been flagged because it has been edited since last assessment

Qualifier GO ID GO term name Reference Evidence Code with/from Aspect Notes Status
GO:0019028 viral capsid 0000100:0000100 ISS: Inferred from Sequence Similarity UniProtKB:H2D0E5 C Comparison of the epsilon15 sequence to the sequence database using blatp showed that a region in epsilon15 and the major capsid protein in salmonella phage SPN9TCW have very close similarity. There was a percent Identity of a 100%, an Evalue of 0.0, and a query value of a 100. This shows that epsilon15 has a major capsid protein. complete
CACAO 12671
on BPE15:Q858G8
AAJohnson2017-05-07 15:48:27 CDT

Circular transfer annotation. Post this annotation on the Salmonella phage SPN9TCW capsid protein page and transfer to E15 phage capsid.

Requires Changes