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Category:virus-related terms

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  • This is a list of terms (not complete) that might be useful for annotating viruses. There may be children (more specific) terms that are more suitable, but this list should get curators started.
  • Don't forget that the GO (Gene Ontology) is for describing the attributes of gene products (proteins or RNAs).
    • You should not annotate to any terms that aren't used to describe an attribute. (i.e. if the virus has a dsRNA or ssDNA genome, this is NOT a characteristic of a protein).

Genome Replication terms

  • The reason there are no "types of viral genome replication" terms is because the synthesis of a viral DNA or RNA genome is mechanistically the same as genome replication by prokaryotes, eukaryotes or archaea. The linkage of nucleotides based on a template to synthesize a genome is not unique to virus!
  • Similarly, there are few (if any) complex or activity terms that are specific to viruses due to the fact that they ultimately do the same thing. The definition of each in GO does not specify which organism is being referred to, so it is acceptable to use the existing GO terms.

Parts of the capsid, tail, etc

Genome packaging


  • Lysis by viruses fits under GO:0001897 cytolysis by symbiont of host cell
  • The reason for this is that the GO (Gene Ontology) Consortium considers viruses to be a symbiont of their host. Their ultimate interaction may be detrimental to the host, but they are still symbionts (parasitic, though they may be).

All the processes that happen inside an infected cell