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Category:Team Red B 2018

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StatusPageUserDate/TimeGO Term (Aspect)ReferenceEvidenceNotesLinks
acceptable9CAUD:W0TVU0MVidmar, Team Red B 20182018-03-14 10:28:22 CDTGO:0019835 cytolysis (P)PMID:29495305ECO:0000315 mutant phenotype evidence used in manual assertion

Figure 3: Lys-phiSA012 deletion mutants were tested for lytic activity towards SA003. Turbidity Reduction Assays using deletion mutants demonstrated that Lys-phiSA012∆mt2 showed high lytic activity comparable to the wild-type. Other mutants showed no lytic activity towards SA003

acceptableBPPGK:Q6Y7T6MVidmar, Team Red B 20182018-03-04 22:10:34 CSTGO:0008233 peptidase activity (F)PMID:19493008ECO:0000315 mutant phenotype evidence used in manual assertion

Figure 3: A series of LysK deletion constructs were tested using turbidity reduction assays. Constructs lacking the SH3B domain, LysK 211 and 390 showed 10-fold less activity then wild-type LysK. SH3B domains alone, 325-495 showed no discernable activity. 10μL spots containing 10μg of LysK297, or LysK149-495 had no discernable activity in the plate lysis assay. Fusion of SH3B to the CHAP domain, LysK221-390 showed increased activity of the CHAP domain.


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