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Category:GO:0140328 ! floppase activity

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DAG for GO:0140328id: GO:0140328

name: floppase activity
namespace: molecular_function
def: "Catalysis of the movement of a lipid from the cytosolic to the exoplasmic leaflet of a membrane, using energy from the hydrolysis of ATP." [PMID:20043909, PMID:25284293, Wikipedia:Flippase]
comment: Nomenclature note. Flippases and floppases are ATP-dependent transbilayer lipid translocators. According to an extensively used, though not universal, nomenclature, they catalyze lipid transfer towards the inward monolayer (flippases) or towards the outward monolayer (floppases). Scramblases are ATP-independent, non-selective, inducing non-specific transbilayer movements across the membrane. The direction of the translocation should be taken into account for annotation (from the cytosolic to the exoplasmic leaflet of a membrane).
synonym: "floppase activity (cytosolic to exoplasmic leaflet)" EXACT []
is_a: GO:0140326 ! ATPase-coupled intramembrane lipid transporter activity

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Pages in category "GO:0140328 ! floppase activity"

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