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Category:GO:0097569 ! lateral shield

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DAG for GO:0097569id: GO:0097569

name: lateral shield
namespace: cellular_component
def: "Region of the ventral side of the cell body found in Giardia species (trophozoite stage). It is located posterior on either side of the ventral groove; the upper boundary is the ventral disc, and the lower boundary is marked by the posteriolateral flagella." [GOC:giardia, ISBN:9780124260207]
comment: Note that we deem cilium and microtubule-based flagellum to be equivalent. Also note that, due to the asymmetric nature of the Giardia trophozoite, this term is defined spatially as the trophozoite is viewed from the dorsal side, with the two nuclei dorsal to the ventral disc, and the ventral disc toward the anterior.
is_a: GO:0110165 ! cellular anatomical structure
relationship: part_of: GO:0044297 ! cell body

AmiGO <GOterm>GO:0097569</GOterm>
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