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Category:GO:0070864 ! sperm individualization complex

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DAG for GO:0070864id: GO:0070864

name: sperm individualization complex
namespace: cellular_component
def: "A cellular structure that includes cytoskeletal components and part of the cell membrane. Forms at the nuclear end of a male germline syncytium, or cyst, and translocates the over the length of the syncytium in the course of sperm individualization. Each complex contains an array of 64 investment cones, one per nucleus, that move synchronously along the spermatogenic cyst." [GOC:sart, PMID:10588662, PMID:9550716]
is_a: GO:0110165 ! cellular anatomical structure

AmiGO <GOterm>GO:0070864</GOterm>
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Pages in category "GO:0070864 ! sperm individualization complex"

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