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Category:GO:0005936 ! obsolete shmoo

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DAG for GO:0005936
60px-Warning Icon Red.png This GO term has been obsoleted.
Do not annotate to it.

id: GO:0005936
name: obsolete shmoo
namespace: cellular_component
def: "OBSOLETE. The characteristic projection formed in response to mating pheromone by cells of Saccharomyces and other fungi with similar life cycles. Named after the Al Capp cartoon character, whose shape it resembles." [GOC:mah, GOC:mcc]
comment: This term was made obsolete because it represents a type of whole cell rather than a cellular component. To update annotations, consider the external ontology term 'shmoo ; FAO:0001023'.
synonym: "shmoo" EXACT []
is_obsolete: true
consider: GO:0001400 ! mating projection base
consider: GO:0005937 ! mating projection

AmiGO <GOterm>GO:0005936</GOterm>
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