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Category:GO:0005784 ! Sec61 translocon complex
name: Sec61 translocon complex
namespace: cellular_component
def: "A translocon complex that contains a core heterotrimer of conserved alpha, beta and gamma subunits, and may contain additional proteins (translocon-associated proteins or TRAPs); in budding yeast the core proteins are Sec61p, Sbh1p, and Sss1p. The Sec61 translocon complex functions in cotranslational and posttranslational translocation events." [GOC:mah, PMID:18166647, PMID:32820719, PMID:33960686]
synonym: "Sec61p-Sbh1p-Sss1p complex" NARROW [GOC:mah]
is_a: GO:0071256 ! translocon complex
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