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Species (Taxon ID) Bacillus phage Troll. (1382932)
Gene Name(s) 77 (ECO:0000313 with EMBL:AGT13647.1)
Protein Name(s) Capsid protein (ECO:0000313 with EMBL:AGT13647.1)
External Links
UniProt S5Y730
EMBL KF208639
RefSeq YP_008430861.1
GeneID 16575620


Qualifier GO ID GO term name Reference ECO ID ECO term name with/from Aspect Extension Notes Status

viral DNA genome packaging




The portal complex can work against large internal forces. Internal forces and the rate of DNA packaging were measured. In addition to demonstrating the phi29 motor complex produces force when DNA is being packaged into the capsid. Usage of microspheres were utilized by attaching it to partly prepackaged complexes and to the tethered end of the DNA that was captured in the optical trap. Optical tweezers measured the forces acting upon the packaging on DNA while the other microsphere was held by a micropipette (Fig 1a). The force increases when the portal motor pulls in the tethered DNA and less force when the DNA is not being pulled in (Fig. 2). Stalling of DNA packaging occurs at higher forces (Fig. 3). Build up of internal force is created when more DNA is packaged in which it exerts opposing forces causing the motor to slow. Internal forces are also created in order to initiate the injection of phage genomic DNA into a bacterium.

CACAO 10872



See Help:References for how to manage references in GONUTS.

  1. Smith, DE et al. (2001) The bacteriophage straight phi29 portal motor can package DNA against a large internal force. Nature 413 748-52 PubMed GONUTS page